FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788


v rod triple tree for trike kit frankenstein trike kits for harley davidson v rod
V-ROD 8 degree 49 mm Polished

When converting a motorcycle to a Trike, steering will get heavier and more effort is required to steer.

Power-Steer gives you lighter steering and a more enjoyable riding experience. Upgrade your conversion with POWER-STEER.

$30.00 S/H





trike kit owner I Put the "POWER STEER" on today and what a difference! It feels like the front end has no weight at all and it steers soooo much easier. Kudos again, you guys rock.

Debby C.

Triple Trees For Trike Kits Frankenstein trikes power steer triple tree
the original sport trike kit frankenstein trikes proudly made in pleasanton kansas usa
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